Experience the luxury and comfort of our Wool or Acrylic Talitnia Tallit Prayer Shawl, made from the finest materials in Israel. Choose from either wool or acrylic to suit your personal style and needs.
ברוך אתה אדוני אלוהינו מלך העולם אשר מילא את כל התורה בישועה של המשיח וכיסה אותנו בצדקתו.
Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has fulfilled all the Torah through the salvation of the Messiah and covered us all with His righteousness.
45 - 166cm/66.4 inch - 108cm/43.2 inch
50 - 174cm/69.6inch - 120cm/48inch
60 - 192cm/76.8inch - 140cm/56inch
70 - 204cm/81.6inch - 144cm/57.6inch
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Expedited Shipping - 1-Day Handling Time, 5-10 Days Delivery
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in reality 100%,exelent.